Monday 11 July 2016

Geronimo Stilton Books

   I am going to tell you about my favourite book.....well here it is it's Geronimo Stilton! I read a few of his books and I loved them so I wanted more to read. My favourite book of his is "The Hunted Castle". I liked this book because it is spooky and does not drag on forever. Now if you don't know who Geronimo Stilton is, well, I will tell you a little bit about him. 

Geronimo Stilton has a younger sister and her name is Thea. Thea Stilton has her own series, which you should check out as well. But, I like Geronimo Stiltons books more. G Stilton (Geronimo Stilton) also has his cousin, Trap, and his favourite nephew, Benjamin, in the books too. Now I will tell you about the scariest person: Creepella von Cracklefur with her pet bat Bitwing. Creepella has her own series of books which are good too. The book that I read is "Fright Night." Also G Stilton's books are technically meant for kids 6-12 years old. G Stiltons books came out Febuary 2004. G Stilton is a mouse who lives on mouse island and works as a newspaper writer at The Rodente's Gazette. In some books it shows Geronimo Stilton's girl friend Petunia and her niece Bugsy Wugsy.
Geronimo Stilton with: Thea, Trap, Benjamin, Petunia and her niece Bugsy Wugsy.

This is Creepella and Bitwing the bat.

So try reading Geronimo Stilton!                                       
                                                                                                   The End 

Friday 22 April 2016


 This post is about dogs. What do you know about them? Did you have any questions about them? Well this post will help you.

  The dog that I will be talking about first is a Westie. Westies bark a lot. Barking is a Westies way of saying they are sad, happy or bored. If you want the dog to stop barking don't yell at it because that will cause the Westie to bark even more. It is better to just stay calm and and firmly tell it to not bark. Then give it a treat when it stops barking. Westies need lots of attention. If they don't receive it they will bark, dig and chew things. Westies love chasing stuff. The faster the animal goes the faster the westie goes.

  The next dog I will be talking about is a labrador. A labrador sheds fur so if you're a person that does not like fur then don't get a dog like that.They are a young breed of dog. They also make good search and rescue dogs. Labradors are known as America's favourite dog. Labradors are also a social breed and basically love everyone. Labradors came from Newfoundland and not Labrador.

   Now I will be talking about chihuahuas. Did you know that a chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog? Chihuahuas are 4 to 9 inches tall and they weigh an average of 4 to 7 pounds. They also are the 18th most popular dog breed. They can also die if the are heart broken.

  My grand parents have a dog and it's a Dashchund named Whiskey. Whiskey is 13 years old (in dog years which is pretty old for a dog.) Dashchunds were bred in 18th century Germany to hunt down lots of small prey. Technically the name means bager hound. I ❤️ him because he is a dog that is part of my family.


Wednesday 6 April 2016

Underwater Creatures

     I love underwater creatures so the next thing I am going to be talking about is creatures that live underwater.

      The first creature I will be talking about is a seahorse. For a seahorse the baby comes out of the dad and not the mom. There are almost 25 different species of seahorses. Tiny, spiny plates cover a seahorse's body all the way down to their curled, flexible tails. The baby seahorse is almost the size of a jelly bean. This is a picture of a rainbow seahorse.

     The next creature I will be talking about is a whale. A whale is a mammal so it needs air to breath but a whale can hold it's breath under water longer then us. To breath, whales have a blowhole on the top of there heads. There are lots of species of whales out there, however they are classified according to the way they feed: baleen whales and toothed whales. Examples of baleen whales are humpback whales, gray whale, and common minke. Toothed whales include killer whales, strap-toothed whales, and spade-toothed whales.

     Can you guess what the next creature is? Well, good job if you got it correct. It's a starfish. Starfish  are marine invertebrates. Did you know there are about 1,500 different types of species? A starfish has five arms, though some species have a larger number of arms. Many of the species are brightly coloured with shades of red or brown and others can be orange, gray and blue.

     The final creature I will be talking about is a jellyfish. Some people in some countries eat jellyfish. They have been here over millions of years ago even before dinosaurs. Jellyfish have no brains because it doesn't think and does not have a heart because it is a simple creature. Jellyfish also does not have an organ or blood.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Man-made Structures

   I'm going to be talking about different types of man-made structures that are in different places 
and in different countries. So lets get started.

   The first structure I will be talking about is Jumeirah beach hotel. It's a hotel in Dubai and right in front of the hotel there's a beach. The building is 104 meters tall. They made the structure like a wave. Also mostly the building is made with glass, steal and other stuff.

      The next structure i'll be talking about is the longest glass bridge ever in China it's not made yet but they will make it soon.The bridge is on top of a canyon it will be very scary if you look down and your scared of heights.It's made with glass and steal to hold it together.

       Do you play with lego? Have you tried to make the tallest lego building ever? Well in Italy thousands of children did. It only took them a week to make it. First they made it as tall as they could then they attached wires to make it stable. It is 35.05 meters.

       Do you like ice? Because the next structure is a ice hotel can you believe that! Your beds will be a big ice cube with a mat on top and an animal fur quilt. When you walk around you will be noticing lots of statues and colourful lights and to get in you have to slide through a hole. It's called hotel de glace and it's in Quebec. 

        Did you learn anything new after reading this?